Nov 30, 2020
In this episode, I do my first “solo-sode” to talk about how COVID hit our house, and what we did to avoid a downward spiral as we fought this novel coronavirus.
I reference 9 blog posts that each contain foundational steps to protect your health, whether or not you are experiencing COVID.
These 9 blog posts become the “mantras for our show”
(note… many more to come as I move into more and more bio-hacking
related content. Check my blog and/or sign up for my newsletter -
see the right-hand area of my webpages or footer on my homepage -
to stay in the loop).
To your good health!
Mantra #1: Let Food Be Thy Medicine
Mantra #2: Stay Well Hydrated
Mantra #3: Sleep is the Best Medicine
Mantra #4: Start or Boost your Spiritual Practice
Mantra #5: Ask for Support for Mental Wellness
Mantra #6: Keep It Out of Your Lungs
Mantra #7: Breathe
Mantra #8: Take time for personal/professional development
Mantra #9: Sweat
More about Dr. Kathryn Guylay
Dr. Kathryn Guylay is an agent of change serving transformational
organizations and individuals. As a nonprofit founder and leader,
she has brought nutrition education to tens of thousands of
children and adults. Her platform at provides
resources on wellness, nutrition, leadership, and publishing.
Kathryn has written six books, hosts two podcasts, and has appeared
on most of the major media outlets. Kathryn applies her love of
learning to assemble eclectic modalities in a fun toolbox to
support clients.